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Dr. Roxanna Rivetna ND is both a family medicine and naturopathic doctor and has been practicing in both capacities over the last 6 years in Windsor.  She started off years ago by obtaining her naturopathic licence in Ontario, then spent five months in India working with world-renowned homeopathic doctors and naturopathic hospitals, and returned to Toronto to start her own naturopathic practice there.

After practicing for 3 years, Dr. Rivetna ND decided she wanted to offer both sides of medicine, i.e. naturopathic and western to her patients and pursued her medical training. She completed her residency in Family Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri, then moved to Windsor where she now practices and offers a wholistic approach to her patients. 

Her philosophy as a healthcare provider is to primarily educate and empower patients, with the goal of preventing ailments from occurring in the first place through lifestyle prevention strategies, or to prevent them from progressing. 

She is currently the only licenced dual registrant in both family medicine and naturopathic medicine practicing in Canada.

Dr Rivetna ND can be found at coralmedicalcentre.com