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The Pharmaceutical Management of Hypothyroid States and IBS (2022) (Webinar)




Introduction to allopathic drug management strategies in treating hypothyroid and IBS related disorders.

Introduce current treatment goals, physiologic targets and guiding principles for the clinical drug selection in hypothyroid and IBS (C and D) treatment.

Comparing the 2 major DRUG CLASSES involved in drug management of hypothyroid conditions and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):


  1. Desiccated Thyroid medication (ERFA)
  2. T4 Dominant Therapies (Eltroxin, levothyroxine)


  1. linaclotide (Constella)
  2. eluxadoline (Viberzi)

Drug discussion will include (with supportive clinical studies) discussion of clinical indications of use, contra-indications of use, side effects of drug use and herb/nutrient interactions.

Brief look at evolving treatment research and strategies begin investigated.

Conclusion / Summary