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Homeopathy in the Treatment of Mental Illness (2014) (Online Audio)


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Homeopathy in the Treatment of Mental Illness as presented by Dr John D Millar BSc ND DHANP CCH HD at our Live Event in 2014.

The purpose of this 2-hour presentation is to expose the attendees to a variety of issues and concerns surrounding the use of Homeopathy in the treatment of mental emotional disease. The first part will examine and review the importance of classification of M/E disease from a historical perspective.  Of particular importance is the classification of mental disease from a Homeopathic perspective and how that relates to modern classification systems like the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV TR

The second part of the presentation will take a quick look at that rubrics found in the Homeopathic Repertory that are most often indicated in various types of Neurosis and Psychosis. Special emphasis will focus on terminology old and new and the translation of one to the other.

The remainder and majority of the presentation will review the body of evidence available in support the use of Homeopathy in the management and Treatment of Mental Illness. This will begin with an overview of cases cured by homeopathy and the remedies prescribed.

Further a review of numerous RCT’s and modern homeopathic research will further support the body of evidence. Some of the conditions presented include schizophrenia OCD, Panic Attacks, Acute Psychotic episodes, Mania and Depression. It is the intent of the Presenter to provide knowledge and information to the attendees that is directly applicable to their practice. While some theoretical knowledge is required much of the information will, hopefully be eminently practical.