Ruth Anne Baron is a naturopathic doctor practicing in Toronto. After receiving a degree in biochemistry, Ruth Anne completed the four-year naturopathic medicine program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1994. She then worked for seven years in a corporate setting, as the director of the Wellness Centre at Husky injection Molding in Bolton, Ontario. She is currently in private practice at the North Toronto Natural Health Clinic, at 1963 Avenue Road, Toronto.
Ruth Anne is the past-president of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and was the chair of government affairs for that organization. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors. She has served as a member of the Ethics Review Board for medical research at the University Hospitals Network for the last thirteen years.
Ruth Anne has received extensive post-graduate education in natural medicine in Germany, Belgium, and France. She is a lecturer for the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, as a lead instructor of the board certification course in Parenteral Therapy.
Dr Baron ND can be found online at www.ntnaturalhealthclinic.com.