Welcome to BRB CE Group Login


First Hour:


    • Definition and forms of dementia
      • Vascular, Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body
    • Statistics locally and globally


Current Standard of Care and Supports

Brain, Gut, or Global


    • Neuroinflammation, insulin dysregulation, environmental, etc.
    • Reversible etiologies: medications, thyroid, B12

Co-morbidities and risk factors

Clinical Screening Options

Optimizing communication, overcoming barriers

Roles and impact on the caregiver

Common issues: mood, agitation and aggression, wandering, hallucinations, appetite, etc.

Second Hour:

Naturopathic Opportunities for Adjunctive Care

Naturopathic Modalities & Evidence Based

    • Diet, herbal, acupuncture, clinical nutrition, melatonin, environmental medicine, physical therapies

Integration of modalities and treatment burden

Naturopathic Cases/Clinical experience

As presented at our Live 2023 ND Conference: Naturopathic Approaches to Various Disorders. A complete list of webinars from the 2023 Conference can be found here.

Presented by Dr Rahim Habib ND