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BHT: Taking the ‘Horr’or out of ‘Hor’-mones? (2018) (Online Audio)



BHT: Taking the ‘Horr’or out of ‘Hor’-mones? by Dr Carol Laic ND MEd at our Live Event in 2018.


Review of the Physiology relevant to the topic

Review symptoms related to each hormone deficiency / excess


Current Estrogens in the market

Current Progesterone’s in the market

Current E / P combination products in the market

How they are currently prescribed, and adverse effects linked to their use


Comparison of biological vs traditional hormonal preparations: How are the two methods the same and how do they differ?

Discussion of the controversy between HRT and BHT use? What are current studies saying?

Who (which patient) would be / not be the best candidate for BHT? (indications of use and contraindications)

TESTING of hormone levels – options available: conventional blood labs vs serum / urine alternatives

DOSING – oral vs transdermal ; qd vs multiple times per day

ISSUES – consequences and side effects of additional hormones ; Contraindications to their use; interactions with other Drugs / herbs / nutrients